Exploring Felt Right Colorways

How color theory and mindful pattern use can change the feeling in your space.

Color Theory and Why It Matters

color theory

Color is one of the fundamental elements of design and can be used to drive the inherent character of a space. For the everyday consumer, it can be overwhelming to assemble a scheme that perfectly complements the palette of your home, workspace, or business. At Felt Right, we want to provide you with the knowledge necessary to create a perfectly curated Felt Right felt tile design for whatever function you need. Whether it be a pin-board for your home office or a statement piece in your living room, our felt wall tiles are the perfect design piece to bring your space to life.

Felt Right is the industry leader in creating high-quality felt tiles and felt boards for your home, office, or any interior space. Felt wall tiles instantly provide texture, warmth, and color to your walls. With a wide array of colors, patterns, and felt tile designs, you can easily transform any wall in your home or office into a work of art. And with a natural sound controlling quality, these acoustic wall tiles can even help you control excess noise.

Color Harmonies

Color harmonies are an integral principle in color theory and a great starting point when pulling together a color scheme in your home or office. Below, we have created a visual element for these common harmonies using our own Felt Right color palette. You will see what defines each color harmony and what tone they strike when implemented in a space.

primary colors


Bold and vibrant, even distribution of color and tone

analogous colors


Subtle gradient combination, typically built around warm or cool colors

monochromatic colors


Subtle and conservative color combinations, great way to use color as a neutral

triadic colors


High contrast palette that is more versatile than a standard complementary combination

split complementary colors

Split Complementary

Bold scheme, works well if one color is dominant and the analogous colors in the palette work as accents

Split Complementary Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme

Our Favorite Color Combinations

Now that we’ve covered the basics of color theory and what impact different color combinations have on a space and its occupants, here are a few of our favorite Felt Right color ways and how they can translate to your potential design.

what is color theory

Reminiscent of an icy cold tundra, this predominantly cool color palette brings to mind harmony and calm. Cool palettes are passive and appear to recede relative to their background, perfect for a subtle accent piece. This felt tile design combines our Zinc, Baby Blue, Slate Blue, and Cast.

color theory chart

With a striking interplay between warm grays and fruit-like hues, this palette conveys the sentiment of refreshing and energetic pinks and oranges with a muted balance of low- saturated tones. This felt board design combines our Zinc, Moon, Nickel, Coral, and Aries.

Grey color scheme

Go boldly black and white with this triptych design that explores brilliant gray- scale transitions with an ode to pixel-style construction. This monochromatic neutral palette communicates sophistication and luxury. This felt wall tile design combines our Zinc, Nickel, Armor, Mineral, Cast, and Ebony.

Green color combinations

The warm neutrals and muted greens of this palette are reminiscent of nature and the lush undertones of the late summer season. Introduce this palette into your space for organic inspiration. This acoustic felt tile design combines our Latte, Sage, and Palm.

color theory definition

Variables that May Affect a Color’s Appearance

Understanding the interaction of colors and the environment they live in is a vital part of the design process. The presence of varying light temperatures and surrounding colors and materials will have a very noticeable effect on the appearance of a color. To confirm that a certain color meets your needs, we recommend testing a sample (i.e. one felt wall tile) within your space at different times of the day.

Surrounding Colors

The context of a material and its surrounding colors will influence how it appears, as well. Notice how our Cayman Blue appears to be a different hue when compared to its complement, Aries, then when it is compared to a muted monochrome hue like Slate Blue.

color appearance variables variables that may affect a color appearance

Reflected Color

Saturated colors will reflect light in a noticeable way onto nearby surfaces; you can utilize this effect to your advantage by casting a warm or cool glow over a nearby surface that fades into the background.

Transform the Color in Your Space with Felt Right

It’s truly amazing what color can do for your interior space. By using certain colors to create a unique color harmony, you can influence and alter the mood and atmosphere in your space.

Start curating your own color harmony for your home or office with Felt Right’s My Studio design tool. You can also check out our Designs page for color and design inspiration created by our very own in-house team of color experts and enthusiasts.

Take advantage of the power of color by transforming your walls with Felt Right felt tiles today.


Written By
Michela Staker, Felt Right Designer
Lori Weitzner, Founder of Lori Weitzner Design